Academic Practices and Policies
Academic Integrity (Academic Dishonesty)
Academic Load (see Course Load)
Academic Standing, Probation, And Reinstatement
- Policy 2.1.21 - Academic Standing, Probation and Reinstatement
- Academic Probation
- Dismissal from Illinois State University
Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources and Systems - Policy 9.2
Baccalaureate Degree Programs Policy 2.1.9 (Degree Programs, General Requirements for Graduation, General Education Program Requirements, Programs of Study (Definition of Major, Minor, Sequence, and Concentration, Requirements and Limitations for Degree Programs, Majors, Minors and Semester Hours Mandated by a Major Department):
- Total hours required for an undergraduate degree
- Specific Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science Requirements
- General Education and General Education Category Requirements
- Grade Point Average
- Major-Minor Options
- Senior College Hours
- Removal of Incomplete Grades
- Residence Requirements
- Time Limit for Courses as Prerequisites
- Cultures and traditions of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, or Indigenous (AMALI) Peoples of the World Graduation Requirement (formerly referred to as Global Studies Graduation Requirement)
- Professional Practice and Independent Study Limitations
- Disciplinary Hold
- Degree Programs
- Programs of Study
- Transfer credit
- Requirements and Limitations for Degree Programs, Majors, Minors, and Semester Hours Mandated by a Major Department
- Also refer to:
Bachelor of Science - Science, Mathematics and Technology graduation requirement
Class Attendance
The attendance regulation of the University is based on two principles. First, students are expected to attend class regularly; and second, students are primarily responsible to the instructor in matters pertaining to class attendance. Every student will be held responsible for class attendance and successful completion of academic work. Attendance regulations are intended to encourage student maturity and are based on the assumption that academic success is the student’s primary goal in college.
Equitable Treatment Of Students Participating In University Sponsored Activities
Student Absences Due to Service as a Volunteer Emergency Worker
Absence of Student Due to Religious Beliefs - Any student in an institution of higher learning, other than a religious or denominational institution of higher learning, who is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study, or work requirement on a particular day shall be excused from any such examination, study, or work requirement and shall be provided with an opportunity to make up the examination, study, or work requirement that he or she may have missed because of such absence on a particular day; provided that the student notifies the faculty member or instructor well in advance of any anticipated absence or a pending conflict between a scheduled class and the religious observance and provided that the make-up examination, study, or work does not create an unreasonable burden upon the institution. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to the student such an opportunity. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his or her availing himself or herself of the provisions of this Section. For more information please see the ISU Policy 1.6 Religious Accommodation Policy available at: .
Military Service - In accordance with state laws and regulations (330 ILCS 60/5.2), a service member enrolled in an institution of higher learning who is unable, because of his or her military service, to attend classes on a particular day or days has the right to be excused and to reschedule a course examination administered on such day or days. The faculty and administrative officials shall make available to the service member an opportunity to make up any examination he or she has missed because of his or her military service.
Extended Student Absences - As a service to students, the Dean of Students Office can provide notification to instructors when students have been/will be absent from class(es) for three or more consecutive days and are unable to notify their instructors. Students are not required to report absences to the Dean of Students Office; the office serves as a resource to help students reach instructors. The student is responsible for providing verification of the absence to instructors, if requested. Only instructors have the authority to excuse students from class(es) or coursework.
- Student Leave of Absence Policy 2.1.5 - Students may request a leave of absence for up to six (6) consecutive terms (Fall, Spring, Summer).
Class Registration - Assistance with the class registration process may be obtained by contacting the Registrar Service Center at, (309) 438-2188, or in-person in Moulton Hall Room 107. Students at Illinois State University are responsible for following registration procedures to assure valid registration for classes. A student may not attend a class for which they are not properly registered. A correct registration is each student's responsibility. The University reserves the right to void the registration of any student who becomes ineligible for enrollment.
Classroom Disruption - Policy 4.1.17
College of Arts and Sciences foreign language graduate requirement
College Level Examination (CLEP) (Undergraduate Proficiency Examination)
Class Standing - Students in a bachelor’s degree program are classified as freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. A student must have completed 30 semester hours to be classified as a sophomore, 60 hours to be classified as a junior, and 90 hours to be classified as a senior. Students not working toward a degree at Illinois State are listed as non-degree-seeking students.
Code of Student Conduct - The Code of Student Conduct details the rules and regulations for students and student organizations.
Course Load (Academic Load) - A full-time undergraduate student carries between 12 and 17 hours. Courses taken on an audit (AU) basis do not count toward full-time student status. For enrollment verification purposes, 12 hours is considered full-time for undergraduate students. A student wishing to carry more than 17 hours in a semester (12 hours in summer) may seek permission to do so their academic advisor. The granting of this permission will depend on the student’s scholastic record. A freshman may not carry over 17 hours during their first semester. A student considering enrolling in any classes, including extension or correspondence, at another college or university with concurrent registration at Illinois State University should consult with their advisor.
Course Information - Numbering, types, terms used in course descriptions
Course Repetition(s) - If a student completes a course, or drops a course after the tenth day of classes receiving a grade of WX, the student may repeat that course once. Students seeking a third enrollment must obtain permission from the academic advisor who will submit a Registration Clearance Permit request to the Registrar Service Center to allow the student to register in the course.
When a course has been repeated at Illinois State University, the most recent grade (A, B, C, D, F) that the student earns will replace the previous grade in the cumulative GPA calculation. A grade of WX, AU, I, CR, CT, NC, P, NP will not replace the grade, nor the hours earned in the prior attempt. The previous grade(s) will not be removed from the student’s transcript, and the credit hours from only the last attempt can be used toward meeting minimum hourly requirements.
When an articulated course has been repeated at another college or university, that grade will not replace the previous grade earned at ISU nor can it be used to improve the cumulative or major grade point average. However, the transfer credit may be used to satisfy a prerequisite, major, minor, or other requirement at Illinois State University.
Students repeating a course to improve their GPA should be aware that many professional and graduate schools recalculate GPAs to include all courses attempted. Graduate students should be aware that this regulation does not apply to general courses (see Limitation of Credit for General Courses section in the Graduate Catalog).
Courses that allow multiple enrollments have a separate grade recorded for each enrollment and each grade (A, B, C, D, or F) is counted toward the student's GPA. Previous grades are not replaced or removed from the student’s record until the maximum allowable enrollments or credit hours for the course has been exceeded.
An Illinois State student considering repeating or enrolling in any classes, including extension or correspondence, at another college or university while enrolled at or pursuing a degree from Illinois State University should consult with their advisor.
Cross-listed Course - Cross-listed courses are offered by more than one department or school, but treated as one course for credit purposes. A cross-listed course will be considered as one course regardless of the department/school through which the student registered for the course. This is a general rule that applies to all cross-listed courses taken for any purpose.
Departmental Proficiency Examination (Undergraduate Proficiency Examination)
Double Majors and Simultaneous Degrees
Double Majors: Students completing requirements for two majors concurrently are eligible to receive only one degree unless 150 or more hours have been completed and a Simultaneous Degree Application is submitted and approved. The degree awarded is based on the degree corresponding to the primary major. See the Registrar's website for related processes.
Simultaneous Degrees: A student may apply for and, if approved, receive two bachelor's degrees in the same term if they have earned a minimum of 150 undergraduate credit hours and satisfied all requirements for both degrees (e.g. a B.A. and a B.S.), majors, and sequences. See Policy 2.1.9 Baccalaureate Degree Programs and the Registrar's website for related processes.
Evening and Off-Campus Classes - For courses offered by Illinois State University, no differentiation is made between credits earned on campus and off campus. Inquiries concerning off campus courses may be made to the Office of the Provost (309) 438-7018.
Extended Student Absences - As a service to students, the Dean of Students Office can provide notification to instructors when students have been/will be absent from class(es) for three or more consecutive days and are unable to notify their instructors. Students are not required to report absences to the Dean of Students Office; the office serves as a resource to help students reach instructors. The student is responsible for providing verification of the absence to instructors, if requested. Only instructors have the authority to excuse students from class(es) or coursework.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records
Final Course Grade Challenge Policy 4.1.20
Final Examinations Policy 4.1.5
- For date, time and room assignments go to in mid-September and mid-February for the current term.
- Procedures for Multiple Exams in One Day and Final Exams for Summer Session
Graduation and Commencement Procedures—How to apply - All students must submit an application for graduation and pay the graduation fee by the date specified in order to earn a degree. Students with 100 or more earned hours are eligible to apply for graduation and are notified to do so. Undergraduate students must pay the graduation fee at the time of application, unless the fee is covered by an approved scholarship. Scholarships can be verified with the Student Accounts Office.
Commencement - Degrees are conferred and diplomas awarded after the close of each semester and the summer session. Commencement exercises are held in December and May at the end of the semester. Undergraduate students completing degree requirements during the fall semester participate in commencement exercises in December; students completing degree requirements during the spring semester or at the close of the summer session following May commencement participate in commencement exercises in May. Undergraduate students who are eligible to graduate and want to walk across the stage in their commencement ceremony must answer YES on the Undergraduate Application for Graduation and submit it by the published deadline. An application must be on file and the graduation fee paid by the deadline to participate in the commencement ceremony. Students participating in commencement will walk with the college in which their primary major resides. Interdisciplinary Studies and University Studies graduates will walk with the College of Education. Student Honors/Honor Cords
Diplomas are issued to students after completion of all degree requirements, including major(s), minor(s), general education, professional education, if applicable, and other specific degree requirements. Students completing requirements for two majors concurrently are eligible to receive only one degree. The degree awarded is based on the degree corresponding to the primary major. One diploma is issued to the student upon completion of both majors and all other degree requirements. Students who have earned simultaneous bachelor’s degrees will receive two diplomas. Majors are not printed on the diploma; however, all majors and minors are printed on the official transcript. Diplomas are mailed to students approximately 8 to 10 weeks following graduation.
Honors Designations - The following honors designations print on the diploma and transcript, as applicable: honor distinction (summa, magna, or cum laude), Honors Program Scholar with Distinction, and Honors in the Major. Undergraduate students who have earned 30 semester hours at Illinois State University and a qualifying GPA both based on the last graded semester prior to commencement are recognized with the respective honor distinction at commencement. Diplomas are mailed to students approximately 8 to 10 weeks following graduation.
IDEAS (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access in U.S. Society) Graduation Requirement
Illinois Articulation Initiative Program
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program
Language Proficiency Assessments
Material Charges - Material charges listed with individual course term information on the Course Finder website or at in the registration system, are automatically charged to the student's account. A student may supply his or her own materials and request the instructor, in writing, to reduce the materials charge.
Military Service Credit - See Policy 4.1.18 - Credit Earned through Transfer, Examination, and Prior Learning
Pass/No Pass (Credit/No Credit) Policy 2.1.12
Residency Status Policy 2.1.17
Reverse Transfer - Illinois State University participates in the state of Illinois Reverse Transfer of Credit initiative which helps students who have enrolled at an Illinois community college to complete an associate degree.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Required For Continued Financial Aid Eligibility Policy 2.1.11
Second Bachelor’s Degree - Policy 2.1.9 Baccalaureate Degree Programs
A student who has already received one bachelor’s degree from Illinois State University or from another regionally accredited college or university may receive a second bachelor’s degree at Illinois State University upon completion of degree requirements. Students must meet the admission requirements for the major selected and meet appropriate deadlines.
Second bachelor degree seeking students are required to fulfill degree requirements as listed in the catalog at the time of admission to the second bachelor degree program. The program of studies completed for the second degree must include at least 32 semester hours of coursework taken after the granting of the first degree, of which 30 hours must be taken in residence at Illinois State. At least 24 of the 32 hours completed toward the second degree must be at senior college-level (courses numbered 200 and above).
A student may apply for and receive two bachelor degrees in the same term. To receive two degrees simultaneously, completion of a minimum of 150 credit hours is required. The degrees may be the same (e.g., two B.A. degrees) or different (e.g., a B.A. and a B.S.). The majors may be the same as long as two different sequences are completed. All requirements for both degrees, both majors and sequences, and all general graduation requirements must be met.
Senior College Hours - The senior college hours (courses numbered 200 or above) must total at least 40 hours. Coursework transferred from other colleges and universities is not counted as senior college credit if freshmen and sophomores are regularly permitted to enroll in such work. No credit from two year colleges may be counted as senior level.
State Seal of Biliteracy - According to the Illinois State Board of Education, the State Seal of Biliteracy “recognizes public high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English.” Illinois State University accepts the State Seal of Biliteracy from any state as equivalent to two semesters (8 credits) of language study (LAN 111-112) in languages offered at the University. If the seal is granted in a language not offered at Illinois State University, eight credit hours of lower division foreign language will be awarded. Students must request course credit for their seal within three academic years after graduating from high school. No credit will be awarded for the State Commendation toward Biliteracy, though students with the commendation are encouraged to determine their level through self-placement exams and/or proficiency exams (refer to the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LAN) website). Students with the Seal of Biliteracy may also be eligible for higher levels of credit, which can be earned through taking a course (see self-placement exams) or a proficiency exam (refer to the LAN website).
Student Computer Ownership Policy 9.6
Student Leave of Absence Policy 2.1.5 - Students may request a leave of absence for up to six (6) consecutive terms (Fall, Spring, Summer).
Transfer Credit From Other Institutions And Credit By Examination Policy 4.1.18
- Illinois State University accepts a maximum of:
- 70 semester hours from a two-year institution
- 90 semester hours from a four-year institution, OR
- combined total of 90 hours from two-year and four-year institutions
- Illinois State also accepts military credit.
- Transferring credit - Registrar's Office processes
Tuition and Fees - Tuition, fees, on-campus housing charges and dining charges are determined by action of the Board of Trustees on a yearly basis. Tuition and fees other than health insurance are assessed at a per semester hour rate. Health insurance is assessed to all students enrolled for nine or more semester hours. Upon being first enrolled in a degree program at Illinois State University, tuition rates for undergraduate students will be locked for a four-year period. Certain degree programs qualify for the locked rate to be extended beyond the four-year period. Tuition and fees are subject to change by action of the Board of Trustees and the General Assembly. For additional information, refer to the Student Accounts website.
Auditors - Students who take all courses as auditors without credit are charged at the current rate per semester hour for tuition and fees. Auditing a class does not count toward full-time student status for financial aid and other purposes.
Changes in Schedule - A student who drops a course will be charged according to the schedule on the Student Accounts website.
Materials Charges - Material charges listed with individual course information on the Course Finder website or at in the registration system, are automatically charged to the student’s account. A student may supply his or her own materials and request the instructor, in writing, to reduce the materials charge.
Payment of Tuition and Fees - Illinois State University offers payment plans for current semester charges. Students will choose what plan works best for their needs or must pay in full by the designated date listed on the Student Accounts website to avoid being enrolled in an administrative plan. Paying in full is the only way to avoid a payment plan fee.
Insurance Fee Reduction - A student may receive a reduction of the insurance fee if the student demonstrates equal or better insurance coverage and completes the application and provides proof of other coverage each semester prior to the 15th calendar on the day of the fall and spring semesters and the 8th calendar day of the summer semester. Visit Student Insurance website for specific information.
Reduction in Charges:
- Pursuant to guidelines established by the University, part or all of a student’s tuition and fees may be reduced because of the student’s death or disability, extreme hardship, or institutional error.
- A student may receive a reduction of all tuition and fees if the University declares him or her ineligible for enrolled status prior to the first day of regularly scheduled class.
- Visit the Housing website for information regarding changes to or cancellation of housing contracts
- Visit the Campus Dining website for information regarding changes to or cancellation of a dining plan
- Students or parents who believe that individual circumstances warrant exceptions from published policy may appeal to the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs.
Resident and Non-Resident Status - An applicant or enrolled student is classified either as a resident of Illinois, a non-resident, or a foreign student. Residency for tuition purposes is different from residency for voting, taxing purposes, undergraduate degree academic residency, or residency requirements of on-campus doctoral programs. A student must be a U.S. citizen or have been approved for U.S. Permanent Resident status in order to be considered as an Illinois resident.
An individual’s residency status is based on information from the admission application. A student who is not a resident of Illinois pays an out-of-state differential charge per credit hour. All other fees are the same for non-residents. A student under 18 years of age is considered a non-resident if the student’s parents are not legal residents of Illinois. A student over 18 years of age is considered a non-resident if the student is not a legal resident of Illinois. A student who begins as a non-resident may later qualify for resident status.
Additionally, select students receive an alternate rate of tuition of 1.0 times the current in-state rate, including: students admitted from Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri and Wisconsin; veterans and students utilizing VA education benefit, students who meet the eligibility requirements (as set for the specific fall term in question) for our principal scholarship programs, namely the Presidential, University, Redbird, Transfer Student Scholarship, or Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship; students who are identified by a unit (Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts, Forensics, Gamma Phi Circus) through their selective processes (audition, portfolio, etc.) based upon a specific talent. Guidelines for qualifying and special circumstances may be found on the University Registrar’s website. Personnel within the Office of the University Registrar are responsible for determining residency.
Summer Session Tuition and Fees - The summer session tuition and fees are assessed at a per semester hour rate. Students enrolled for six or more semester hours will be charged the current rate for health insurance.
Withdrawal and Reduction of Tuition and Fees - If a student drops a course or withdraws from Illinois State University, charges for tuition, mandatory fees, and outreach fees will be adjusted based on the date of the course drop or withdrawal. A registered student who officially withdraws from the University may receive a reduction of tuition and fees according to the schedule on the Student Accounts website.
The University may designate an abbreviated withdrawal policy for summer session, special courses, and short courses.
All notifications of withdrawal from the University must be in person with photo ID to the Registrar Service Center, 107 Moulton Hall, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or in writing and addressed to Office of the University Registrar, Illinois State University, Campus Box 2202, Normal, IL 61790-2202, faxed to (309) 438-8652, or emailed from the student’s Illinois State University email account to
Undergraduate Teaching Assistantships (UTA) and Undergraduate Research Assistantships (URA)
- Undergraduate Teaching Assistantships are available in nearly all departments of the University to juniors and seniors who have demonstrated excellence in a particular discipline and high overall scholastic achievement. The purpose of the program is to assist the faculty in the improvement of instruction and to provide UTAs with a valuable learning opportunity.
- Undergraduate Research Assistantships (URA) are available in selected departments for students who have demonstrated excellence in a particular discipline with significant potential in research. The purpose of the program is to work closely with faculty members and to provide students valuable opportunities for research.
The responsibilities and nature of the UTA and URA assignments are determined by the departments and colleges. Some departments provide the opportunity for credit to be earned by the UTA under a General Offerings course (291 Seminar: Undergraduate Teaching Assistants). Three hours is the maximum amount of this credit that may be allowed for graduation. Tuition and fees are assessed in the usual manner for all credit earned in the UTA and URA experiences. Application forms are available in the departmental and college offices.
University-Wide Teacher Education